The number one and two villains for any business owner when it comes to achieving business success, is in being able to achieve clarity and being able to say “no” to the things that take you away from it.
Clarity, in and of itself, you would think should be pretty easy to find, but the truth of the matter is, it isn’t for most. The feelings of “uncertainty” and all its variations plays havoc when it comes to setting a direction and sticking with it. What if I am wrong? What if I haven’t taken everything into consideration? What if I walk away from this opportunity and it could have been the thing that changes everything?
There is really no wonder this happens when there is; an ever changing world of innovation and technology, with everyone including your employees, your customers, your suppliers and everyone else having an opinion on what would create success in your business, or what about the people who approach you with the next great idea about how you could partner with them to really make things happen! It is the flood of information and decision making with the constant yanking and pulling, that makes clarity and business success such an elusive thing.
As if taking on all the risk of owning a business weren’t tough enough!
We get how tough it can be to get clear and how hard it is to get laser focused. It takes work, but it is the thing that truly does make the difference in a business, in our experience.
There are a lot of benefits to being clear. When you are clear, then your employees are more effective in helping you get to where you are directing them. They know what is important and what isn’t. Potential customers are able to identify with you and what you have to offer, so they know your company is a fit for them. It takes less time and effort to build the systems you need to be able to grow and thrive, because you know their purpose. Finally, with clarity comes certainty and a feeling of confidence.
As a business owner, who doesn’t want to feel confident and in control?
So, to help you, let us share with you three tips to help you get more clarity, and in doing so achieve greater business success;
- Decide on your product/ services – Trying to be everything to everyone has never made anyone successful. It spreads you too thin. Look at the products and services you offer and decide which are central to your business and say “no” to the rest.
- Decide on your roll – This one fits with the previous one. There are things you are great at and then there are things you are “okay” at. Get aligned with the things you are great at and find others who are great at the things you are okay at, to help you. You want customers to see the things you are great at, so let that be the thing to shine around.
- Talk to your customers – Find your top five customers and talk to them about why they choose to use you or why they buy your product. Don’t talk, just listen and ask questions. The reason someone comes to you specifically, could be a whole lot different than you might think. Use this information to get clear on the value you bring to the market, rather than guessing at it.
As I said, getting clarity takes work, but that investment does pay back ten fold. You know yourself, anytime you are clear on what you have to do, you accomplish it, so apply this same principle here and to your business success.
Sometimes you might need to get pushed to remain focused in getting that clarity, but welcome it. It is easy to think you are the only one who is interested in your success, but this isn’t the case. When you win in your business, so do a whole lot of people, who are counting on you to do exactly that. After all achieving business success was why you got into business in the first place, isn’t it?